Penkridge Mystery

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This puzzling plaque is on the side of the restaurant at the corner of Bellbrook and Mill Street. I have not read or heard of any attempt to decipher its meaning. There are plenty of questions that need answers before a "code breaking" becomes possible.

1. Is the plaque part of the original building, or added later ?
2. Does the house actually date from 1673 ?
3. If the plaque is original, why isn't it sturdier, more impressive, situated over the 
    door at the front of the building ?
4. Does the black paint work accurately reflect the original writing ?
5. Does it have anything to do with the horsefair, the most important event close
    to the building ?
Not having answered any of these questions one or two ideas do suggest themselves.
6. The two letters that have dots after them, A.H. suggest initials. The house was tenanted by William Harding in the 18th century. I have not been able to find an A. Harding in the records, certainly not around 1673.
7. There are a great many "O"s on the plaque. The only Os I can think of linked with Penkridge are the Oddfellows - Order of Manchester Oddfellows ?- but they were much later than 1673.
If you have any ideas or information please drop me a line, via the guestbook on the home page.