Lewis Lane, one of a small group of American soldiers stationed by the railway bridge and coal wharf, Penkridge. He sent his
photo to Penkridge friends before he left for D-Day.
The 81st Chemical Mortar Battalion
The winter months of 1943-1944 were spent at Penkridge, Staffordshire, in the Midlands country of England, by all companies
of the battalion except D Company. During this time, the unit was re-equipped with all its organizational equipment and was
kept in shape by a varied program of exercises and many hikes to nearby Channock Chase. Penkridge was a sleepy English village
and at first the natives didn't know quite what to make of the "Yanks," but when the civilians found out that Americans
weren't all gangsters and that they might sleep safely in their beds at night, they became quite friendly and hospitable.
The cultural points of interest were Penkridge Church, Litchfield Cathedral, and Hatherton Hall. For those interested in culture
of a lighter vein, Civic Hall at Wolverhampton, the pubs at Stafford, Cannock, and other neighboring towns, served to keep
all amused. "You cawn't miss it," "Any gum, chum," "Time please, gentlemen," became familiar
phrases, and despite the protests that it was awful stuff, copious quantities of "Mild and Bitter" were consumed.
D - Day
In clearing the enemy from the beachhead, the companies expended a total of 6,807 rounds of ammunition. Casualties for
this period were 11 killed (five officers and six enlisted men), 25 wounded, and one captured.
Unit History of the 81st Chemical Mortar Division