Wyre Hall Cottage / Edwin Oakley

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Staffordshire Advertiser, December 13th, 1924

Edwin "Teddy" Oakley


Edwin Oakley retires as Penkridge postman after 35 years of service, at the age of 69, “a remarkable age having regard to the long and tiring country round which he walked twice every day”. He is the son of James Oakley who died some 7 years ago at the ripe old age of 90.


Calling at Mr Oakley’s house, our representative found him sitting before a cosy fire enjoying his pipe, which he declared had been his constant companion throughout the years of his lonely country tramps.


Upon leaving school at an early age, Mr Oakley worked for 6d a day. In 1889, when he first entered the postal service he was employed as a relief postman at Gailey. Two or three years later he came to Penkridge and remained on the same round which embraced Whiston, Bickford and several other small districts up to the time of his retirement.


He walked about 16 miles a day, with his dog, from 6am to 8.30 pm. He owned an old post horn which he got from Mr Powell, a former postman who succeeded Mr Nixon, the first postman in the district to use the horn.


He had been married for 46 years. Lived in the same house, Wyre Hall Cottage, for 40 years. Had nine children, 8 of whom were married.



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